Pebble Art and Sea Glass Design Workshop March 16th at 10am
Hammer and Stain Cape Cod
Join us and Kerry from The Orange Jellyfish for a fun collaboration event on Sunday March 16th at 10am. Event is at Hammer and Stain Cape Cod 315 Cotuit Rd Sandwich MA 02563. Workshop lasts approx. 2 hours.
Have you ever wanted to learn how to create a picture using materials found directly off the beach? Come join local guest artist Kerry Consentino- Vilorio owner of The Orange Jellyfish, who creates beautiful custom pebble art and sea glass designs.
During this two-hour class, we will each create our own custom pebble art family picture using various styles of beach stones, driftwood and shells directly hand picked off local New England beaches. Each design can contain stones representing two to six people while being glued on cardstock and enclosed in a rustic gray frame. This class will allow for a great deal of autonomy, as various styles of stones, driftwood, and scallop shells will be available for the choosing. The stones and driftwood come in various shapes, sizes, and colors which allows for both adults and children to be represented within the picture. While the frame color for all will be light rustic gray, the cardstock colors available for selection will be white, light crème, or light blue. This class is truly a wonderful opportunity to create a sentimental piece for yourself or if wanting to gift it to someone special.
Regular price